Titan Poker – Rakemania
Playing poker at cash tables became a lot more profitable when Titan Poker introduced its Rakemania promotion. Rakemania awards top-ranking players on weekly leaderboard races based on the amount of rake they generate at the cash tables. With $16,000 in prizes on offer every month, and with the advent of Speed Hold’em tables enabling faster cash game play than ever before.
What is Rakemania?
The more rake a player earns, the higher his ranking on the Rakemania leaderboards. The actual ranking is listed by Stars, so that players don’t see their achievements displayed publicly. Rakemania races take place at both low stakes and high stakes tables suiting lpayers with all sizes of bankroll.
The leaderboards and the ranking system are:
• Low Blinds – tables with blinds of $0.10/$0.20 up to $0.50/$1 ($2 rake = 1 Star).
• High Blinds – tables with blinds of $1/$2 and up ($10 rake = 1 Star).
Rakemania Races Are Fast, Prizes Are High
$16,000 in prizes is up for grabs each month with the prizes awarded on a weekly basis. Each week, $3,000 is awarded to the top ranked players on the High Blinds leaderboard, and $1,000 in prizes goes to the top players on the Low Blinds leaderboard. Races are staged every Monday through Saturday.
Top prizes in the races are:
• Low Blinds = first prize is $255, top 40 get paid.
• High Blinds = first prize is $765, top 40 get paid.
In order to participate in the Rakemania promotion, players must “opt-in” on the Titan Poker website. One opt-in guarantees a player’s participation in all the Rakemania races taking place over the course of that month.
Rakemania Races Just Got Faster
When sitting down at Speed Hold’em tables, players join a large player pool and face a new set of opponents with each hand. Players can fold at any time, even when it’s not their turn to act, and are instantly moved to a new table to be dealt new cards. The faster play at Speed Hold’em tables enables players to earn more rake and quickly move up the Rakemania leaderboards.
Check out our Titan Poker Review