poker resource and room information
Poker Tools – featuring poker rulebooks, strategy, selected poker books, websites, various poker analysis tools and other useful online stuff.
The “Quick Search” tools in the drop down menu is listed by sequenced titles from A to B. Please Note – Book prices can be subject to change.

poker resource and room information Poker Clocks

Poker Clock
A really useful tool if you play live tournaments and need something to count down the blinds and breaks. This is completely free and also allows you to set up player names and save details of rankings and money winners. There’s a simple online version or more powerful downloadable version, both of which are easy to set-up and use.

That Poker Clock
If you’re looking for a quick fix, this is an online clock that allows you to easily follow your tournament levels. Simple to configure, very nice looking software when running and blind changes are marked with sound. Specific player imput and results are not possible.

poker resource and room information Poker Hand Replayer

Poker Hand Replayer
When using this tool at Alternate Poker, you will have the possibility to create a replay of any given hand provided you have the information required. With many online rooms, you will be able to simply copy/paste your hand history directly into the tool without any editing.

The table design is excellent although you will need “flash” to be able to view the result. This is a great tool for use on a forum to discuss any given hand or in your personal blog or website. All in all, an excellent online poker resource.

poker resource and room information Selected Poker Books

The Alternate Poker Online Store
We have all the best poker books available in our online store powered by From rules and strategy to autobiographical, you’ll find the most competitive prices from all the great authors such as Mike Caro, Doyle Brunson, David Sklansky, Bob Ciaffone and many, many more.

If you should decide to purchase one or more items, checkout will be completed on, one of the longest running and most secure online poker stores. We’ve set up the The Alternate Poker Online Store to cater for all types of live and online players, we hope you will enjoy your stay.

poker resource and room information Online Poker Calculators

To explore the effect of global optimizations, a preflop evaluator which can fully enumerate complex preflop situations. This “zealous” evaluator is able to compute an exact solution roughly 100 times faster than any general purpose evaluator. PokerStove is the result of this work and is a poker calculator for Texas Hold’em. It is currently available free of charge, with no spyware, spam or other annoyances.

Risk of Ruin Calculator
A free online tool to calculate a player’s risk of ruin given their win rate, standard deviation of the win rate and bankroll size. A very basic set-up but useful information nontheless.

poker resource and room information Downloadable Software

TableScan Turbo
“TableScan Turbo is a professional table selection software for professional online poker players. It scans the tables of your selected stakes in your poker client(s), retrieves player statistics from your HoldemManager, PokerTracker 3, or PokerStrategy Elephant database, and displays them in an easy-to-read format, enabling you to quickly and easily find the most desirable tables with the weakest opponents. TableScan Turbo is currently free to use.
TableScan Turbo screen shot

“Equity Simulations for Holdem, Omaha & Stud on both Mac & PC’s. It’s a powerful syntax to help accurately shape ranges. you can review sessions by loading hands directly from HoldemManager & PokerTracker databases, save ranges for use later and create aliases for ranges using #hashtags. There is also a Fold equity & ICM calculator and finally you can calculate equities on all turn and river cards, equity graphs plus much, much more. The free version of Slice makes a great replacement for PokerStove and the paid version adds a whole bunch more features.

The Combinator
“The Combonator is a tool for doing range and combination analysis for Hold’em games. At it’s heart, the tool allows you to define a preflop range and then assign parts of the range in to different groups, either manually or with automatic selection tools. Once a range has been grouped, the output can be viewed to compare the number of combinations each. Textual and graphic output is displayed and results can be saved and shared, ranges can be exported to your favourite equity calculator of change, and ranges can then be reduced for future street analysis.
The software is free for up to 2 groups, and a “pro” license for $35 unlocks full support for saving, equity calculations, advanced auto-selection, full undo/redo history and more.

Poker Office
“PokerOffice is much more than just a poker odds calculator and poker software. It is the most sophisticated poker software tool on the market for Online Texas Hold’em Poker. PokerOffice allows you to track all of your opponent’s actions as well as your own poker game while you are playing, without any need for hand histories or user input.”

Holdem Indicator
This state-of-the-art online poker odds calculator, offers instant poker odds, real time opponent statistics and betting patterns in simple and easy to understand displays. With this feature-rich poker odds calculator, you’ll immediately have every piece of information you need to make intelligent and profitable decisions.

Poker Calculator Pro
Poker Calculator Pro advises you on when to fold, bluff, call or raise. Calculates pot odds, outs, chance of winning and much more in real time. Covers both MTT’s and SnG’s.Overlay HUD displays player type, statistics, player actions, chance of winning, pot odds, advice and much more overlaid on the poker table.Full opponent tracking available so you can have data on any opponent the next time you play against them. Auto rates players so you can tell the difference between the fish and the sharks. Free 30 day trial available.

Poker Tracker
PokerTracker is a suite of products that track, analyze, and help you improve your poker game whether you are playing Holdem or Omaha. PokerTracker imports the hand histories that poker sites write to your computer. It then parses the hands and stores statistics/information about the hands into a local database so that you can look at every possible angle of both your and your opponents poker game.

poker resource and room information Online Poker Databases

Shark Scope
Analyze your statistics to find out where you make all your money or use our Tournament Selector to find the easiest tournaments on the internet.

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