Ignition Casino (pre. Bovada Poker)

Ignition Casino - Rabbit Cam

US Friendly


Bodog Network

very good
very good

Current Signup Code – none required
Deposit and you’ll receive a first deposit bonus of 100% up to maximum of $1,000. The bonus is redeemed by earning Ignition Casino Bonus Points. These points (which can also be used for tournament buy-ins) are earnt by playing in real-money games, ring games or the various online tournaments available (more information below).

Software – very good
The software runs well and without any major glitches. There are some nice extra features such as expanding tables, using you own avatar and customising of the table felt with a colour picker.

Playability – good
The look of the table is quite unlike any other on the net. The cards appear a little small but once you get used to this it is only a minor annoyance and can be countered by using the table expander. The lobby is very simplistic and easy to use.

Traffic – good
Ignition Casino (formally Bodog in the US) shares it’s playing public across the Bodog Network. There are great guaranteed tournaments on offer with decent overlays which make them well worth checking out. Having said that, most cash game limits are also reasonably full, especially during peak hours.

Support – excellent
Fast and reliable, this is one of the big pluses when using this site. Cash out speed is excellent and without problem with a good variety of deposit and withdraw options.

Summary – very good
I like to call Ignition Casino, the MTV of the online poker world. As a sportsbook, they project an image of glamorous girls, huge promotions and the place to be in a jet set world. In fact, the promotions here are genuinely good, not only in the poker area but throughout the entire sportsbook.

Ignition Casino is basically the new name of Bovada Poker in the US and if you liked the old site, then you’ll be happy to know that little else has changed except for the re-branding. The Bodog name was taken over by the Morris Mohawk Gaming Group (MMGG) in 2007 and they continue to run operations in the US which also includes the casino and always impressive sportsbook. If you haven’t tried this site out yet, i think it’s well worth a try although it should be noted that the room really only caters for Holdem or Omaha players.

The Ignition Casino client is only for US players.

Extra Information:
Poker Bonus Rules : If you wish to use your bonus to play in the Poker Room, you must earn 3 Poker Points for every bonus dollar issued before being eligible for a withdrawal i.e. if you earn a $100 bonus, you must earn 300 Poker Points before placing a withdrawal. Poker Points are rewarded based on your amount of play in the poker room and the level of stakes at which you play.

Special Promotions – $100,000 Guaranteed Online Poker Tournament
Ignition Casino’s Sunday $100,000 Guaranteed occurs each and every week and has been averaging a 25% – 30% overlay for the past few months. Each week the winner has won themselves $25,000. Here are some of the ways to enter:

You can win your way by qualifying in a ‘Cheap Seat’ tournament
$100K Cheap Seats – Buy-in: $1 + $0
For every 34 players entered, 1 player will win enough Tournament Credits to enter the $100K Semi-Final tournaments ……or

You can win your way by qualifying in a ‘PTS Semi-Final’ using your Bovada Poker Points as your buy-in.
$100K PTS Semi-Final – Buy-in: $7 + $0.70 with rebuys
10 seats guaranteed on Fridays at 11.45 ET and Saturdays at 15.05 ET ……or

You can win your way by qualifying in a ‘Semi-Final’ tournament
$100K Semi-Final – Buy-in: $16 + $1
10 seats guaranteed on Sundays at 12.15 ET.

$100K Semi-Final – Buy-in: $31.50 + $2.50
6-player Sit and Go. 1st Place wins enough Tournament Credits to play in the $100,000 Guaranteed tournaments held on Sundays ……or

Buy in directly to the $100K Tournament each Sunday
$100K Guaranteed – Buy-in: $150 + $12
Every Sunday at 16:00 ET for your chance to win your share of the $100,000 Guaranteed Prize Pool.

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